Growing into Your Electronic Security System

Growing into Your Electronic Security System

Executive Summary:

Most decision makers are burdened with broad ranging responsibilities. Decisions are forced to be made based upon base knowledge and input from vendors or other advisors. When it comes to technical systems such as security systems approval comes from the top, but installation oversight, implementation, and maintenance are not within the decision maker’s purview. Electronic security systems like CCTV video surveillance systems, intrusion alarms, access control, etc. regular and ongoing administration, oversight, and maintenance is crucial to continuing function.

After the initial decision to install a system there is a typical life cycle within an organization and the implementation. As you grow into your system, you will find that you need more; more training, more experience, more equipment, changes to the equipment now that your organization has acclimated to the function and application of the system. Establishing a relationship with an experienced security consultant who is able to administer the system(s) and oversee or affect the maintenance of them assures success.

Supporting Details

Generally, when an organization grows into or takes over a new facility changes occur. Sometimes a “change in the neighborhood” causes you to purchase an electronic security system. The decision is complex. Most vendors are interested in selling you services and equipment. Recurring monthly revenue is their life blood. The caveat with that is the business recommending equipment and installation is the one who is selling it to you. It is normally better to have a skilled security consultant create a plan for you. You agree to pay them a fixed price for their skilled assessment, design, layout, and plan for implementation. It is a fair business arrangement. You know what you are paying for, you know they have a reason to plan wisely for you since it is their reputation at stake. Then after the plan is in, you may select, with or without, the consultant’s aid a vendor or vendors to implement the installation.

No matter how much experience even security personnel have, everyone “grows into” or matures into their facility and system. As you become acquainted with the limits and functionality of the system, you also become acquainted with how much time and effort working with it requires. You also will find that sometimes camera placements, system parameters, storage capacity, etc. requires enhancement or changes.

Establishing a solid relationship with the consultant allows you to outsource the maintenance. You can also call on them to handle incident demands like video retrieval post incident, transfer of video evidence to law enforcement, etc. Establish an on-call agreement. Time is of the essence when video could be lost from FIFO overwrite.

The best security consultant cannot foresee floorplan alterations, lighting issues (preconstruction), parking lot flows and habits, etc. The organization must keep the consultant engaged in order to maintain the maximum results from the investment in the system(s). regular security reviews are a good idea in order to allow for system tweaks and adaptation.